Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hope Happens

I assumed I'd need to suppress my fears and put forth effort to feel hopeful about the future. I was mistaken.

Hope quietly snuck in.

A smile is effortless today. My self-protective suppression of hope, which was essential during treatment, when I couldn't see beyond a few days, feels unnecessary today.

I am calm. And thankful. That is enough.


Anonymous said...

That's my girl :)

Unknown said...


Montana1 said...

Laurie- You have written an incredible story here. Someone told me about your blog and your situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I ran into Anne today at Costco and she gave the web address for your blog. You are a hero! Keep up the great work. I'll be checking in regularly.

It's interesting how life can change so rapidly, and your perspective along with it.

-Bill S from up in the old 'hood.