Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Welcome to Target Pharmacy How Can I Help You?

I look forward to going to work. Here are a couple of my coworkers. They are really kind, fun and smart as hell. You should bring your prescriptions to us! The pharmacy is brand new. Its very roomy, bright and efficient.
I love having strict rules to follow. If you do your job right, everyone ends up happy. The toughest part of my old job, managing software projects, was the difficulty in pleasing the customer while at the same time keeping the project on time and on budget. This is not possible the majority of the time with software projects. Software project management ends up being primarily conflict management.

Shift to later in the evening last night. Tanner made us a sensational dinner of lasagne and garlic toast. Pretty mundane stuff to post about. Aren't I fortunate? Mundane is underrated. Hope your day is mundane too.


Digger21 said...

What I wouldn't give for a piece of home made lasagna! ha ha. Have a great day Laurie!

Anonymous said...

What Jareth really means is he would like at least 3 pieces of Tanner's lasagna! Stu.

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind a little homemade lasgna myself! Stu.

Laurie said...

Jareth, come on over anytime! I'll freeze some large pieces lasagne for you tonight. I have ice cream too. Are you coming to Missoula this weekend by chance? If you do stop by, we'd love to see you.

Laurie said...

I'll freeze some for you too this weekend. See you Friday!