Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Checkup Time Again

Crap, 3 months goes by quickly. I haven't made my January checkup appt yet. Will get around to it soon.

After being obsessive with anti-cancer foods for several months I've been sliding toward a more normal American diet lately. Eating some sugar every day. Not a lot compared to my previous, pre-cancer days. Not eating anti-oxidant rich veggies every meal. Just a couple times per day. I'm keeping up on my vitamins and exercise pretty well. I actually ate some red meat the other night. Just a little bit.

Fear of cancer recurrence has taken a back seat to feeling shitty about my performance at work. I'm back to seeing a psychologist that I used to see, about this. I got off to a bad start at my job, because I started and was trained around the time of my last of 6 chemo treatments. The training I promptly forgot. My memory is getting better though, I think.

So I'll go in and get exams and tests and xrays and report back. I'd be shocked if they find anything bad.


Anonymous said...

There won't be anything bad... it will be good for you to see Judy again.. they are so supportive and it will be good for you to see that group again. As far as memory.. give yourself more credit, shoot, talk to my boss, I've been here 20 years and screw up all the time! :)

Leslie said...

Don't be hard on yourself, Laur. Give yourself credit for all you've gotten through this past year. (And while training for a new job?) If your employer isn't understanding about that, they don't deserve you.

Take what support you can get-- and don't feel like that diminishes you in any way.