Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Funnies

Who doesn't like the Sunday funnies. They're in color and start your Sunday off in a good way. With a few giggles.

I had a great laugh yesterday morning. It was early and I had just crawled out of bed. It would be some time before the swelling under my eyes would subside. After brushing my teeth I pulled off my sleeping hat and the image that greeted me in the mirror was a smiling, good-natured grandpa who was very happy to have some company and beared a striking resemblance to me. The remaining hair on his balding head stuck up in a hilarious halo around his head. The wisps he uses for his comb-over were not paying attention to gravity either. And thats when the funny thought hit me. I'm my own Grandpa.

I hope you enjoy the visual as much as I did. Take a listen to the humorous song too. I apologize in advance if it remains in your head for the rest of the day.

I'm My Own Grandpa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now compare hair to winter sweaters & long pants. Once summer comes around, you see the person again. Its really just a distraction. I'm used to you without hair now and don't really even notice it's gone. Now I just see your warm eyes and happy smile, and am constantly amazed at your strength and postivie attitude! Even supporting others who are having a tough time, when you have more than enough on your own plate! Thanks for always being there for me :)