Monday, September 29, 2008


Lets just say I am trying. Trying meditation. Exercising every day. Trying not to eat anything bad. Trying to eat cancer-fighting foods at every opportunity. Trying to remember day-to-day what those foods are. Trying not to spend money in order to feel short term relief from fear. Trying not to drink. Trying to breathe. Trying to enjoy moments.

I need to make an appointment for my 6 month checkup. Really should do that. But I am too busy being preoccupied with controlling myself that it doesn't get done. It surprises me that they don't give you a sticker, like the oil change places do, to remind you that you need to get your ass back in to be checked for evidence of disease.

I have quite a bit of faith in my ability to make my body inhospitable to the growth of cancer cells. I understand now that we all have the makings of cancer in our body. Its up to our immune system to take down rouge cells before they gain traction. A cancer cell causes our immune system to inflame the area around it and tricks our body into building a special blood supply to feed it. It does not follow the rule of cell aptosis (cell death) that healthy normal cells follow. It multiplies instead and creates a larger and larger cancerous mass that starves healthy cells surrounding it.

I believe that by following a diet consisting of anti-inflamatory foods I am making my body less hospitable to cancer growth. Time will tell if I believe in false promises. The explanation makes sense to me though and I don't feel deprived with the diet. It's laid out in the book Anticancer (and many others).

I'm still scared shitless sometimes though. Thats just the way it is.


Anonymous said...

You are still my hero. Keep your chin up. Just come to my gate and I will feel you up, I KNOW that will make you feel better!

Montana1 said...

Laurie - Are you going to Ashok's next workshop? I'll go if you go!