Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back to Work

Good news. I passed my Pharmacy Tech certification test and will be starting a part time job at the new Target pharmacy here in Missoula soon. Its an ideal job for right now. It will allow me to gain experience and get some structure back in my days. The limited hours (4 hour shifts) will be doable when I'm dragging. I called off an interview yesterday with Community Medical Center for a ten hour shift position. I was overzealous applying for that one.

Also got a call from Christine, my chemo nurse, who said vitamin levels in my blood are low so they are prescribing higher doses of supplements. Could be part of why my mojo is low.

After a good night of rest my spirit is up. I've got to learn how to ride out the slumps. I was going to add, and not fret and overanalyze, but I'm not sure I can do that. It just happens. It sucks me in.

1 comment:

Genava said...

Congrats on the job! I will have to stop by and visit you while you are working. I have enjoyed reading your daily blog. Sometimes I cry with you and sometimes I laugh with you. Love all of it and especially you.