Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun Weekend At The Lake

Had a magical weekend at the lake. Fun, easy days enjoying my family. Watching my son and nephews head straight to the dock and jump on the jet skiis for their first rides of the year. Permagrins on their faces out on the water. Lots of laughter and screams from the shock of cold water and terrifying tube rides. Pristine green foliage. The smell of pine trees. Happy faces all around. It was a beautiful sunny 85 degrees. The lake was like glass on Saturday.

Appreciating my dad. He works so hard to make the lake place heaven on earth for his family. He worked 90% of the time that he was there this weekend and that is only a fraction of the time and expense that he has so generously given this spring. Appreciating my mom and sister. We had so much fun painting and redecorating our beloved cabin.

I would post pictures but I forgot my camera in Kalispell. Will be sure to share some as soon as I can.

I am so happy and grateful for what I have.

John on the dock a couple of years ago.

Me pulling a skier a couple summers ago. Yes, I should be looking where I am going.


Anonymous said...

Picante Sauce - So glad to hear you had such a great time up at the Lake. When do I get to go? Enjoy the sunshine, water and laughter!

Leslie said...


I'd love to see your photos and the redecorating you've done.

Laurie said...

Gen, We'd love to have you come up any time! How about over the 4th? If not then, then we can plan on a weekend after I get back from Michigan on July 13th.

I'll post some pictures sunday night after we get home. We're headed up to the lake again tonight for a couple days. I wish you could be there too.